Decorate Your Pumpkins with These Fun Decor Ideas!

Decorate Your Pumpkins with These Fun Decor Ideas!

Once you’ve gone pumpkin picking, it’s time to put those pumpkins to good use! There are a ton of different ways to use your pumpkins, decorations being one of the most popular options. Many begin their Fall decorating in September, and continue to add some spooky touches well into the Halloween Season.

Most pumpkins usually look the same, except for the differing sizes and shapes. But once you take them home and put your own touches on them, they can be transformed into anything you’d like! Whether you’re simply painting them, placing them right on your porch or carving them into a spooky masterpiece – they are sure to create the perfect feel of the Fall Season! To begin, check out these fun and festive ways to decorate your pumpkins this Fall Season, and for years to come!

Photo by Efraimstochter, via Pixabay |

Photo by Efraimstochter, via Pixabay |

Painted Pumpkins
A simple yet fun way to decorate your pumpkins is to paint them! This is a great way for the kiddies to participate in the pumpkin festivities because it’s 100% safe and allows them to get creative with their masterpiece. Whether you’re painting your pumpkin one color or giving it a unique design, using paint is a sure way to make your pumpkins stand out. Take your pumpkin painting skills to the next level by using chalkboard paint or glow in the dark paint!

Transform into Jack O’ Lanterns
Carving is of course one of the most popular ways to decorate a pumpkin, but you can get quite creative with your design to make it unique. One thing to remember while carving is safety, be sure to carefully carve as to not hurt yourself. Once your pumpkin is carved, a fun addition to your creation is a flame-less candle that can be placed inside. Then place on your front porch and watch its spookiness illuminate each night!

Photo by PublicDomainPictures, via Pixabay |

Photo by PublicDomainPictures, via Pixabay |

Pumpkin Lanterns
In order to transform your traditional pumpkin into a lantern, you’ll need an electric drill and some basic carving skills. First, carve a circle at the top of your pumpkins, taking out the seeds so they are completely hollow inside. Once the top has a good size opening, carefully drill holes into the sides, creating a design as you go. Once the drilling is done, you can stick a flame-less candle inside and watch it illuminate!

Get Crafty
Put your crafting skills to the test by creating your masterpiece before putting it on your pumpkin. Add a spooky touch by cutting black oak tag into different shapes, such as witch hats, black cats or bats! Glue them onto your pumpkins and take it a step further by creating an entire eerie scene, complete with some spooky trees and tombstones. The options are endless, and the kiddies can participate safely in this option as well!

Photo by Efraimstochter, via Pixabay |

Photo by Efraimstochter, via Pixabay |

Use Them As They Are!
If you don’t decorate your pumpkins, you can still put them to use in fun ways as they are! If you purchase some mini pumpkins, they can easily be placed inside jars or vases to add to your seasonal decor. Another way to display them is by placing them inside a basket on your front porch along with other decor items.

Photo by Avantrend, via Pixabay |

Photo by Avantrend, via Pixabay |

How do you like to decorate your pumpkins? Let us know in the comments below!

Main Photo Credit: Bernswaelz, via Pixabay

